Player Registration


    Name (required):

    Chapter & Year:

    Non-Delta Chi: Yes

    Mailing Address (required):

    Email Address (required):

    Phone Number (required):

    Designate my donation to the Chapter Scholarship Account in the Delta Chi Educational Foundation*.

    I would like to be a Tournament Hole Sponsor for $125

    Enter these characters in box below:captcha

    * Please note: Donations designated to Delta Chi chapters that do not have a DCEF Scholarship Account will be posted to the DCEF’s General Fund.

    Please make checks payable to the Delta Chi Fraternity Entry fee is $150.00 per player.

    Please mail your checks to: Don Turk, 1139 NW 136th St, Newberry, FL 32669.

    If you’d like to pay for your registration online, you can do so by clicking the button below. (Please help us out by paying the processing fee)


    Although proceeds from the tournament benefit the Delta Chi Educational Foundation, entry fees and sponsorships do not qualify as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

    Interested in becoming a hole sponsor for the tournament? The cost is $125 and the hole sponsorship form can be found here.